
All posts by Tokio Hotel Romania Fanclub Oficial

Am fost in Viena si ne-am intors cu amintiri minunate si cu sufletul impacat ca am reusit sa facem ce ne-am propus. Cadoul a ajuns la trupa, cu ajutorul fanclubului din Austria, caruia ii datoram mii de multumiri! Am tinut banerele (pe care scria Romania loves Tokio Hotel) cat de sus am putut si avem siguranta ca trupa le-a vazut si citit.

Ne-am bucurat de concert si de timpul petrecut impreuna cu oameni care impart aceeasi pasiune cu noi.

Multumim tuturor celor s-au implicat in acest proiect. Multumim Tokio Hotel pentru momentele minunate!

Pentru recenzii si poze, intrati pe forum.

{nl}Conform proverbului “Daca nu se duce Mohamed la munte, vine muntele la Mahomed”, cateva fane au decis sa mearga la un concert din afara, mai exact la concertul din Viena din data de 30 martie. Mai mult decat atat, fanclubul oficial din Austria ne va ajuta ca baietii sa primeasca un cadou din partea noastra, a fanilor din Romania. Astfel a aparut ideea unui banner urias, care va consta din scrisori, versuri, citate, desene etc., facute de voi.

Ce trebuie voi sa faceti?

Trimiteti scrisori, versuri, citate (scrise de mana voastra si semnate tot de voi, mentionand orasul si tara) si poze pe urmatoarele teme:
Tema 1: De ce imi place Tokio Hotel? Ce iubesc la Tom, Bill, Gustav sau Georg?
Tema 2- de ce ar veni in Romania? Trebuie sa le dam motive sa vina.
Puteti folosi foi colorate, pixuri, markere colorate. Le puteti trimite desene, orice se poate printa.
Ca un sfat, scrisorile sa nu fie foarte lungi, ca sa le citeasca cu usurinta.
Evident, scrieti in germana sau engleza daca vreti sa le inteleaga. 

Unde le trimiteti?
In format electronic (adica scrise de voi si apoi scanate) la
Sau fizic la OP 13, CP 62, Bucuresti (casuta postala este inchiriata pt lunile februarie-martie 2010; dupa aceasta data nu va mai fi disponibila), pana la data de 18 martie.

Pentru mai multe informatii intrati aici.

Fanclubul oficial din Polonia ne invita la concertul din 14 martie din Lodz. Membrii acestui fanclub au promis ca ne vor ajuta cu{nl}cazarea si cu tot ce avem nevoie, astfel incat sa nu trebuiasca sa{nl}platim foarte mult. Cel mai ieftin bilet este de 27 euro.

[full-link]Mai mult…[/full-link]


Fanclubul oficial din Polonia a scris:

Dear fans from Romania!

The{nl}time is moving and with everyday we are coming closer to the big show{nl}of Tokio Hotel called Welcome to Humanoid City Tour 2010!
The band promised that this show will be something that we have never seen before!
The{nl}whole tour includes 32 concerts in Europe. However Bill, Tom, Gustav{nl}and Georg won €™t play everywhere! Surprising is that they will play only{nl}two concerts in Germany; the more surprising is the fact that they{nl}won €™t play in Berlin! Such countries as Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus,{nl}Slovakia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Romania, Hungary and Russia{nl}[Kaliningrad Oblast] were omitted while planning the new Tokio Hotel{nl}tour.
We know that for most of you guys, one Tokio Hotel concert or{nl}in that case lack of it, is a low dose of emotions! That €™s why, in the{nl}name of Official Polish Tokio Hotel Fanclub and Good Music concert{nl}agency, we would like to invite you for Tokio Hotel concert which will{nl}be held in Poland on the 14th March 2010 in Atlas Arena Hall in Lodz!
Atlas Arena Hall is the most modern multi-purpose indoor arena in Poland, which is able to accommodate over 15 thousand people.
Such{nl}stars as Depeche Mode and A-Ha have already played there their{nl}concerts! On the 12th of March, so two days before the Tokio Hotel{nl}concert, on the stage of Atlas Arena Hall, Rammstein will play their{nl}show!
Despite the fact that the hall is located on the outskirts of{nl}the city, the access to it won €™t be a problem for you! The hall lays{nl}near the railway station Ł ³d º Kaliska, an international access road{nl}leads to it and about 10 minutes away from the hall a city airport is{nl}located, so you can say that the location of the Atlas Arena Hall is{nl}simply great!
City Lodz located in the center of Poland, with the{nl}well-developed base of cheap hotels, rail [Ł ³d º Kaliska station is just{nl}few minutes from the Atlas Arena Hall], bus and road network, allows{nl}you to reach the venue very easily. Low prices of tickets, quite low{nl}costs of travel, accommodation and the stay itself, makes the concert{nl}in Lodz an attractive offer for every fan!
We have also prepared for{nl}you many other attractions including concert actions, which we hope{nl}will make the concert unforgettable both for you and for the band! More{nl}information €™s about action € Poland Goes Humanoid €™ you €™ll find on our{nl}website!
The tickets are still available and you can buy them on, or directly on the site of the concert organizer!
Go{nl}to [] and{nl}add Polish Tokio Hotel concert as an € event €™ on, tell us{nl}if you are coming and discuss the event with other fans!
To all of{nl}you, who will decide to come to Lodz, we offer our help. We will try to{nl}help fans to reach the venue, find accommodation for the concert time{nl}and answer on all your questions! If you would like to know something{nl}about the concert, venue, you have any questions or doubts, please let{nl}us know about it and write on our email addressee:!
We hope you will come and be a part of this great show!
Rock on!

Am intrebat si de preturile exacte:

Fanclubul oficial din Polonia a scris:
The ticket thing is quit simple, but you shouldn €™t go by this map, cuz it
makes people think like, what €™s going on o.O So there are still three
ticket categories available:
– standing places 110 PL [27 EUR]
– sitting places/sectors 140 PLN [34 EUR]
– VIP ticket 200 PLN [49 EUR]

In Lodz there are many hotels and youth hostels, which aren €™t so
Here are some links to websites of hostels. You will find there
information €™s about the accommodation, how to get there and about the
price, which is in most cases put in PLN but you can calculate the price in
EUR. Here you go:,hotelik_na … house.php

I looked for these places which lay quite close to Atlas Arena Hall :)
If you €™ll have any questions or doubts please let me know.
