

Potrivit, MTV Romania, va difuza vinerea viitoare, 22 Octombrie 2010, incepand cu ora 0:00, emisiunea ‘MTV World Stage – Tokio Hotel‘.
*Daca pierdeti emisiunea de vineri, o puteti vedea, in reluare, luni, 25 octombrie 2010, de la ora 0:30.

Mai mult, in urma voturilor de saptamana aceasta, UTV va difuza weekend-ul acesta un top 5 cu Tokio Hotel, in cadrul emisiunii ‘Top 5 Facebook Request‘. Emisiunea va fi difuzata sambata, la orele 14:00, 18:00 si 22:00, si duminica de la ora 12:00. De altfel, daca ratati topul in acest weekend, incepand cu saptamana viitoare, acesta va fi re-difuzat pe post, pentru a afla orele la care va fi re-difuzat, urmariti pagina de facebook a UTV.

De asemenea, nu uitati sa ii votati in continuare pe Tokio Hotel la MTV EMA 2010! Click AICI !

{nl} Pentru a sarbatori lansarea cartii “Designers against AIDS, The First Decade!” la care au participat si gemenii Bill&Tom cu 3 fotografii nemaivazute pana acum, FanClubul Oficial Tokio Hotel Romania v-a pregatit un concurs!

Ce trebuie sa faceti?
Regula este foarte simpla:Trebuie sa scrieti pe o foaie “Romanian Fans Support DAA” si sa faceti o poza cu ea! Conditia este sa apareti si voi in poza.

Ce puteti castiga?
Un hanorac cu trupa ta preferata, cartea pe care o promovam “Designers against AIDS, The First Decade!”, revista L’Umo Vogue si alte premii mici!

Alte informatii
– Concursul se desfasura intre 27.09.2010 si 01.11.2010
– Toate pozele vor fi trimise DOAR prin e-mail la adresa
– Subiectul e-mailului va fi “Concurs DAA” iar in email atasati poza sau puneti linkul dupa ce o incarcati pe un site destinat incarcarii pozelor, cum ar fi sau
Scrieti-va in e-mail numele.
– Castigatorii vor fi alesi la intamplare, nu in ordinarea trimiterii email-ului
– Pentru intrebari ne puteti lasa un mesaj pe twitter ( @tokiohotelfcro ) sau pe forum, NU la adresa de e-mail precizata mai sus.

Fan Club-ul Oficial Tokio Hotel din Peru a confirmat faptul ca Tokio {nl}Hotel vor sustine un concert in Lima. Acesta va avea loc pe data de 25 {nl}Noiembrie 2010, in Jockey Club, pentru alte detalii, intrati pe forum.

Datele din Mini-turneul Sud American:

23.11.2010 S o Paulo, BraziliaVia Funchal
25.11.2010 Lima, Peru Jockey Club del Per
28.11.2010 Santiago, ChileMovistar Arena
30.11.2010 Monterrey, Mexic Monterrey Arena
02.12.2010 Mexico-City, MexicPalacio de los Deportes

In ce priveste Campania Designers Against AIDS, daca doriti sa achizitionati cartea, intrati pe pagina de facebook a DAA, si raspundeti la cele trei intrebari.


Designers Against AIDS au demarat un nou proiect, la care au luat parte si Bill si Tom Kaulitz de la Tokio Hotel.

 Cei de la DAA doresc sa scoata o carte, ce va include, intr-o prima parte, proiecte precum campania Fashion Against AIDS si colectia H&M, desfasurate anul trecut. Iar, in cea de-a doua parte, viziuni asupra frumusetii din prisma a peste 100 de personalitati, printre care si Tokio Hotel. Acestia au donat, pentru aceasta parte a cartii, 3 poze nepublicate pana acum, facute chiar de ei.

Cartea se va intitula ‘Designers Against AIDS, The First Decade!’si va costa in jur de 25 de euro. Data lansarii va fi undeva la sfarsitul acestui an.

Pentru mai multe detalii si noutati, intrati pe forum, sau cititi [full-link]mai multe detalii in engleza.[/full-link]



Designers Against AIDS au demarat un nou proiect, la care au luat parte si Bill si Tom Kaulitz de la Tokio Hotel.

 Cei de la DAA doresc sa scoata o carte, ce va include, intr-o prima parte, proiecte precum campania Fashion Against AIDS si colectia H&M, desfasurate anul trecut. Iar, in cea de-a doua parte, viziuni asupra frumusetii din prisma a peste 100 de personalitati, printre care si Tokio Hotel. Acestia au donat, pentru aceasta parte a cartii, 3 poze nepublicate pana acum, facute chiar de ei.

Cartea se va intitula ‘Designers Against AIDS, The First Decade!’si va costa in jur de 25 de euro. Data lansarii va fi undeva la sfarsitul acestui an.

Pentru mai multe detalii si noutati, intrati pe forum, sau cititi mai multe detalii in engleza:

Last month we announced a new upcoming initiative from Tokio Hotel to help raise funds for Designers against AIDS and their new International HIV/AIDS Awareness Education Center (IHAEC) in Antwerp, Belgium.
Today I can reveal the project: at the end of this year, an English written book will be published by Belgian publisher Ludion about the first 10 years of the work of Designers against AIDS (including our Fashion against AIDS campaigns/collections with H&M), with 15% of every book sold going directly to the Education Center. One half of the book will deal with the most important projects of DAA (including the photo of Tokio Hotel in the FAA campaign in 2009) and in the other half of the book, over 100 well known and emerging artists give us their vision on what true beauty means to them. For this part, Bill and Tom Kaulitz donated three photos that have never been shown before, shot by themselves: one taken from the stage in Paris on July 14th in 2007 when they played for over 500.000 fans and you can see the Eiffel Tower in the background, the other two taken in the plane, on their way to their holiday in Mal .
The book will be called Designers against AIDS, The First Decade!, will cost around 25 euros and will be sold wrapped in a poster, made from 1 of the 6 best photos of the book.
Important news: if enough Tokio Hotel fans show interest in buying this book, we’ll make sure they can buy it wrapped in a Tokio Hotel poster from the FAA campaign, as we believe it was one of the strongest images we had that year. If you plan to buy the book, or want to ask it as a Christmas present from your family or friends for instance, please let us know here on the Designers against AIDS fan page on Facebook and who knows, maybe the band can offer it for sale online on Bravado if they know you’re interested! This way, many fans around the world can buy the book, enjoy it and at the same time support our work. Thanks again to Tokio Hotel!
Today I saw the first lay-out of the book and it looks so fantastic and inspiring- can’t wait to get my hands on a copy when it comes from the printer! Together we can make it a bestseller;-)!!!
We want to thank you already for your continuing support and are very curious to hear your reactions.
Kindest regards
Founder/Director Designers against AIDS
PS And no, we can’t show the three photos that Bill and Tom made yet- they should stay a surprise for a little while longer;-)

{nl}Dupa cum bine stiti, astazi se implinesc 5 ani de cand Tokio Hotel s-au lansat pe piata cu videoclipul piesei Durch den Monsun.

Si bineinteles, ziua nu poate trece fara a viziona cel putin o data videoclipul.
Fanclubul din Austria propune atingerea a 2.000.000 de vizualizari.
Aveti linkul mai jos:

Intre timp, puteti povesti pe forum orice legat de voi si Tokio Hotel in ultimii 5 ani. Despre prietenii facuti datorita lor, despre cum v-au schimbat viata, intamplari frumoase legate de ei etc. 


Un grup de fani au pus cap la cap un proiect pentru ziua lui Gustav, ce se apropie cu pasi repezi.

In ce consta proiectul?
Proiectul consta intr-o carte, iar fiecare tara participanta va avea pagina sa, unde vor fi trecute numele persoanelor ce vor participa la actiune. Mai mult, in loc sa se trimita cat mai multe felicitari din fiecare tara, se va trimite o singura felicitare pentru fiecare tara!
 * NOTA: Felicitarea din partea Romaniei a fost trimisa si primita.

Ce trebuie sa faceti voi in continuare?
Pentru a participa la acest proiect, tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti este sa trimiteti un e-mail la adresa:, cu Subiectul : ‘ Gustav’s Birthday ‘, iar in mesaj scrieti-va Numele, Prenumele si tara, adica Romania.

In momentul de fata, mai putin de 50 de fani din Romania au participat la aceasta actiune. Termenul limita de trimitere a e-mail-urilor este 20 AUGUST 2010!!

Pentru mai multe detalii prinvind actiunea, intrati pe forum.

[full-link]Alte detalii in engleza…[/full-link]


{nl} As you all know not only the twins have their birthday in September but also our favorite drummer…Gustav!!!
To show him some fanlove from all over the world, We want all Tokio Hotel fans in the world to participate in our Gustav Birthday Card action…

We do not want to send 150.000 birthdaycards to Gustav, but we would like to create a birthdaybook for his special day.

The idea is to have 1 person in each country to send us a birthdaycard, in the native language of their country.
Just 1 person per country?? Yes!!
So we will need a volunteer from each country to help us out.

The other part of the card action is that you send us an email with your first and last name and the country you are other info needed.

We will sort all the names out per country and create a special card page for each country. all the fans that send us their name and country will be added to the list of fans on the countries cardpage.

A page will be created with the birthdaycard from the country, and all names will be included on the page.
So every country will get their own page..
unless there are only a few fans in a country, then we might split 1 page into 2 sections or more..
so the more people sign up, the bigger chance you will get your own entire page!!

In the second week of august (after august 10) we will start creating the pages. They will all be different and have their countries flag on it, and the countries language on the birthdaycard.

We will then do our best to hand-deliver the cardbook to Universal/Gustav personally.. if we can not get that done we will send it (by registered mail) to Universal to make sure they will receive it and hopefully hand it over to Gustav..
Ofcourse we would prefer to hand the cardbook over to Gustav personally but chances of that happening are really small.. unfortunately..

So to join in this action, Please email us the following info:
First and Last name and your country.
in the subject line please write ‘Gustav’s birthday’.

If you want to be the person to volunteer to send us a birthdaycard from your particular country, please email us and put ‘Card volunteer’ and your country in the subject line…We will then get in touch with you.we will only need 1 volunteer per country so chances are you might not get picked..but you can still be on the cardpage, ofcourse.

This is just a small action to show Gustav he has many adoring fans as well…all over the world!

If you have any questions or want to participate, the email adress we are using for this action is:

You can also find us on twitter:

We hope that a lot of people will join our action to make Gustav’s 22nd Birthday a special one!

The closing date for this Birthdaycard action will be August 10, since we will need time to create the album..

Thank you for reading and we look forward to hear from you!



Dupa cum poate stiti, fanii Tokio Hotel vor avea parte la sfarsitul acestei luni, precum si la inceputul lunii august 2010, de noi concerte, sesiuni de autografe din partea trupei.

Astfel, pe 31 iulie 2010, Tokio Hotel vor participa la MTV World Stage 2010, ce se va desfasura in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Aici vor urca pe scena pentru un concert, alaturi de Katy Perry si Wonder Girls. Mai mult, intregul concert va fi inregistrat si difuzat la MTV Asia pe data de 21 august 2010.

Nu se opresc aici, iar pe 3 august 2010, Tokio Hotel vor sustine inca un concert, de data aceasta in cadrul festivalului de muzica SINGfest 2010, din Singapore. Tot in Singapore, pe data de 2 august 2010, vor participa la emisiunea Entertainment on 5, iar pe 4 august 2010, vor sustine o sesiune de autografe pentru fani.

In momentul de fata, baietii de la Tokio Hotel au ajuns in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Pentru mai multe noutati despre evenimente, precum si poze si video-uri, intrati pe forum, aici si aici.